Learning the letters with Kalman Gavriel

“Letters of Light” is an exhibit designed to teach the importance of each Hebrew letter through art, and to highlight the deep and mystical tradition of the letters.

"Walking along the ancient Jerusalem limestone walls of the Jewish Quarter, we often find a history in every crack and crevice, but how often do we find works of art?

Little do people know that in one of the four Sephardic Synagogues tucked away on Beit El Street, there is a place where art and individualism meet religion and history.

Local scribe artist Kalman Gavriel educates locals and tourists on the meaning and history of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet through various works of art at his first solo exhibit “Letters of Light” at one of the four Sephardic Synagogues in the Old City."

Read the full article "Learning the letters with Kalman Gavriel" featured in The Jerusalem Post here: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/learning-the-letters-with-kalman-gavriel-598596